I am Rain!

I'm not the longing for love on your fucking wedding night. I'm the hot firing death of your beloved pet whom you took care of and loved the most - even more than your life. I'm not the snow falling down on Christmas morning waiting for children to make a snowman out of me. I'm the hot steaming oil that'll burn through your skin like the needle pops a balloon. I'm not the care taker of your child - I'm the purple poison in that bottle you kept sectret from your friends and relatives just so they wouldn't ask you questions you didn't have any answers too.

I'm not the happiness of a new born baby. I'm the relief of a calm and sudden death. I'm not a picture Picasso painted when he suddenly had a vision in his head of something you can't put words too, you can just paint it in your mind and hope that the picture in your mind will be some what a like the picture on your sheet. I'm not the hunger and suffering of 10,000 starving children in Africa or Asia or South America, shit, I'm not even your alcoholic neighboor who tells you to shut the fuck up every time you play Guns 'N Roses songs on full volume just because you had a good day at work,or school,or at a fucking bus stop.

I'm not the movie you saw last week when you had a date with a guy or gal whom you for so long have been fonded of. I'm not the salvation Christians think they can give you when all hopes have faded out like a cold Nowember breeze. I'm the cold wet stinking,pouring,dropping,hard,fast,heavy,shitty,smelly,poisonous,dark Rain that comes every 5th year and makes the news channels go bananas just because you've never seen Rain like this. The Rain is like the first time you either had the best meal of your life, or the worst one night stand of a month. Denial may be in you but I know there's hopes and dreams and longing for something you think you deserve more than the girl who just got diagnosed with cancer. I'm not the one you need, I'm not the one you love, I'm not the one you care for,I'm not the one you buy,I'm not the one you sell,I'm not the one you trade,I'm not the one you travel to just so you can get your skinny white ass taned. I'm not the love in your soul and I'm not the hate in your heart - I am Rain!


Han stirrar blint in i mörkret som om han kunde besegra döden med sina bara händer. Himlen färgas röd som blod efter varje andetag han tar. Kylan märks inte av i det bleka ansiktet. Ögonen är tomma eller fyllda av hat. Varken du eller jag kan avgöra vilket. Han ger inte ut någon som helst känsla av hur han mår, han vet bara att han är förbannad och redo att slåss för sitt liv. Vem är han? Vad vill han? Vad kommer han göra? Är han bara din midnattsdröm?

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